The Step Doctor is one of my Simple Tools For Complicated Jobs. My name is George Ireson, owner and designer of the Step Doctor and the 3in1square. Tools designed out of necessity.

About 5 years ago a friend, Harley, was having hardwood floors installed in his house and wanted the crew to also install new treads and risers on his carpeted steps. They were not eager to tackle the job, too time consuming, but gave him a price of $150 per step. While in shock, Harley asked me if I would install new treads and risers and I agreed. I went home looking for an old stair jig I had made some years earlier. With no luck finding it, I looked on the web and was also in shock when I found out the prices for these tools. I decided to make my own with some material I had in the shop. I did the job for Harley with the prototype I made and started working on creating a tool that is simple to use and is cost effective for the DIY’ers as well as the professional carpenter. The Step Doctor was born and has been sold in all 50 states, Canada, England, Norway and Australia